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Large motoring club and mutual organisation

| Develop a Member Experience CoE

A large Australian state-based motoring club and mutual organisation with a strong heritage, offering roadside assist and other motoring services, insurance, finance, travel services, and other exclusive benefits to over 1 million members.  

To ensure it continues to meet the needs of its members well into the future, this organisation embarked on a strategic program to become truly member centric. 

With a new CEO, vision and Chief Member Officer in place, the time was right to initiate organisational change, starting with Marketing (and the approx. 70 marketers working across several business units and product lines). 
2. ASK
Work with the Chief Member Officer to 
  • Develop an operating model for a Member Experience group function.
  • Make recommendations for structural, people and change phasing implications that navigate organisational complexities.
  • Provide a narrative to engage and align different stakeholder groups.

In addition to executive buy-in, a successful staff launch, and phase 1 adoption by impacted teams, two important observations can be made 18 months on:

  1. The north star operating model and phasing plan holds true.

  2. Foundations are in place for important decisions and investments that will accelerate momentum (e.g. customer lifecycle program, and repointing of analytics and digital delivery roles)

Lapsed time 12 weeks

If you're ready to scale your marketing, let's talk:

+61 (0)406 998 393

Sydney, Australia

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