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| Accelerate member acquisition capability

A recently merged multi state super fund seeks to supercharge brand performance outcomes ahead of expected market changes later that year.
At the time, top-line awareness and traffic was not translating into new joins.
With the brand team tasked with driving direct-join growth outcomes, the ability to link brand investments to business outcomes was important.

Expected market changes later in the year drive the imperative to ensure that acquisition capabilities are in place to take advantage of the opportunity.  
2. ASK
Work with the Brand team to articulate what a market leading acquisition capability looks like that lowers the future cost of growth.  
  • Consider the capability implications across function (investment, alignment, process). 
  • Make recommendations for immediate and near-term action (days, weeks, months) to ensure readiness later that year. 
This engagement surfaced insights common to many marketing teams.
  • Most of the capabilities needed already exist in the organisation.
  • Activation challenges like this have less to do with capability than with x-functional alignment, specialist skills, and outcome focused processes. 
  • Initiating momentum is really difficult for stretched teams; roadmaps must be in days / weeks / months, rather than now / next / later.
Lapsed time 8 weeks

If you're ready to scale your marketing, let's talk:

+61 (0)406 998 393

Sydney, Australia

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